About Me

Advance Excel

I am proficient in employing statistical analysis to model, predict, and forecast trends in Excel. I can expertly build VBA scripts in Excel to automate tedious manual processes.

Data Visualization

I am able to create in-depth graphs, charts, and tables utilizing a wide-variety of data-driven programming languages and libraries. I am proficient with core Python, data analytic tools like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and specific libraries for interacting with web data like Requests and BeautifulSoup

Database Management

I am able to apply ETL process (Extract, Transform, Load) to transform and consolidate data from multiple sources. I am confortable using SQL and MongoDB databases.

Web Development

I really enjoy both Front-end and Back-end developemnt. I can use geographic data to create visually exciting, interactive, and informative maps. I enjoy building custom interactive data visualizations using D3.js and other JavaScript libraries. I am proficient with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Dashboarding, JavaScript Charting, D3.js, Geomapping with Leaflet.js

My projects

Please kindly click on the links to see the codes.

Pharmaceutical Clinical Data Analysis

In this project, an analysis of the complete data of a recent animal study was performed. In the study, 249 mice identified with SCC tumor growth and were treated through a variety of drug regimens. Over the course of 45 days, the tumor development was observed and measured. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of Pymaceuticals' drug of interest, Capomulin, versus the other treatment regimens. Using Python Matplotlib, I have generated all of the tables and figures needed for the technical report of the study.

Discovering Mars!

This project is about a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Mission to Mars and displays the information on a single HTML page. Using Jupiter programming, I retrieved various data from the NASA and USGS sites. I then used MongoDB with Flask templating to create a new HTML page that displays all of the information scraped from the URLs above. I successfully transferred all the relevant information about the latest mission.

Census Bureau Data Visualization

This project aims to study a specific population and establish the relationship between different variables such as Healthcare, Poverty, Smoking habit, Obesity, Household income. I retrieved the US Census Bureau data using API, and I built the interactive scatter plot using Javascript. Feel free to click on the variable on each axis and see the graph change!


With data from robdunnlad, this project is a dashboard summary of the diversity of the bacteria found in Belly Buttons. This is a combination of HTML, JavaScript, Plotly skills. Please click on learn more to see the dashboard. Once on the dashboard, explore the interactive feature by selecting different subject IDs.